Elisa Doucette, Author at Craft Your Content - Page 5 of 9

All posts by Elisa Doucette

How Would Ebenezer Scrooge Do Social Media?

This time of year, you cannot be a functioning member of society and not be familiar with some adaptation of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol and its infamous protagonist, Ebenezer Scrooge.

A crotchety old miser, Scrooge is reminded on Christmas Eve of the importance of cherishing the people in his life and honoring the spirit of Christmas throughout the year by his deceased business partner, Jacob Marley, and the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future.

Oh! And Tiny Tim.

A Christmas Carol was first published by Chapman & Hall in December of 1843. At the time it was considered a solid social statement against the rampant capitalism of Victorian Britain and greedy industrialists that were profiting at ridiculously high margins off the work of the lower classes.

Hrmm…Sound familiar?

While some things may remain the same, the times certainly have changed 170 years later. Recently, the biggest change to human relationships and interaction certainly lies in the power of social media and networking.

Which leaves one to wonder: How Would Ebenezer Scrooge DO Social Media?Continue reading

Announcing The Managing Editor Show Podcast

Why is it so hard to work with editors?
Why don’t my guest post submissions get approved?
What’s wrong with my writing?

Have you ever asked yourself or an editor a question like this?

If you have, you aren’t alone. My inbox is filled with messages from clients and readers asking the same thing.

I love those questions! It means someone wants to improve their skills and and take their content “to the next level.” That’s what we should all be striving for. If you aren’t growing, you’re dead.

Of course, I also get a number of messages in my inbox that…aren’t as constructive.Continue reading

The Editor’s Creed

Have you worked with a bad editor before?

One of the first conversations we have with too many clients is that they are apprehensive to hand their writing over to another absolutist who will strip their words. In the past, their editors would rigorously hack their work to pieces, barely leaving a semblance of the original author.

This works well in university writing labs and academic journal offices, but not so well for the conversational and personal nature of online publishing and content marketing.Continue reading

most important books

The 32 Most Important Books I’ve Read In My Life (So Far)

Updated 8/5/17

Earlier this week I shared with The Writing Rundown crew a basic schedule I adhere to that allows me to get in 3-5 hours of reading daily.

While attending yoga classes, meeting friends for meals and hanging out, writing for 2-3 hours…and running Craft Your Content. Needless to say, I like to get a lot of time out of my days, and only occasionally “waste time” to go on day-long Netflix binges during which I never change out of my jammie pants. But oh, believe me, there are days I go on day-long Netflix binges!

The whole message came about after a friend said to me “Your GoodReads account is like my aspirational reading.”Continue reading

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