Announcing The Managing Editor Show Podcast - Craft Your Content

Announcing The Managing Editor Show Podcast

Why is it so hard to work with editors?
Why don’t my guest post submissions get approved?
What’s wrong with my writing?

Have you ever asked yourself or an editor a question like this?

If you have, you aren’t alone. My inbox is filled with messages from clients and readers asking the same thing.

I love those questions! It means someone wants to improve their skills and and take their content “to the next level.” That’s what we should all be striving for. If you aren’t growing, you’re dead.

Of course, I also get a number of messages in my inbox that…aren’t as constructive.

People who are angry about their edits, don’t understand why their submission was not approved, or are just so clueless about how to interact with other humans I worry that they might have to venture into the real-world one day and will accidentally get plowed down by a semi truck.

That would be sad.

Though I’ll admit, sad is not the emotion that I generally harbor when working with these writers.

And unfortunately, in speaking with other editors and content managers, I’ve noticed a steady increase in such conversations.

Are Managing Editors Really Getting Fed Up?

See, as editors, we’re pretty much the hated cogs in the content marketing machine. People don’t like working with editors and loathe having their personal ideas and writing approved or denied by someone who just doesn’t get how amazing they are.

So most of us go out of our way to make sure that we are being as benevolent as possible, publicly promoting our nurturing and inclusive personalities, when the truth of our jobs is often that we must be constructively critical and protective of a publication’s voice and vision.

Then we sit at our desks and drink a few tumblers of bourbon (or mugs of coffee or bags of green juice or whatever the heck your editorial poison is!) while cursing the stars for this disconnect.

What Can You Do About It?

I know, you’re reading this thinking “Big fucking deal, editors have it rough. They still rejected my submission or destroyed it in revision rounds. This is absolutely the worst part of writing!”

That might be true, but it is still a part of writing. And content. And publishing.

You have to work well with managing editors if you want your writing to see the light of day on other sites and publications.

Fortunately, I have a solution for you.

Meet The Managing Editor Show

After months of researching, script review, audio engineering, and back and forth calls, I am elated to announce that our new podcast, The Managing Editor Show, is officially live!


Co-hosted by myself and Jess Ostroff (the CEO and Director of Calm, among many other tasks, at Don’t Panic Management) the podcast dives deep into the do’s and don’t of submissions, how to stand up for your writing voice against a vigorous editor’s red pen, following up on a pitch, and much more.

The show is a mix of super informative, super intelligent, super irreverent, and a super amount of swearing so you feel like you are sitting in an old school bullpen.

New episodes release every Tuesday morning, and monthly we’ll have a bonus episode where we chat with another content manager, managing editor, section editor, editor-in-chief, content officer – or whatever title the kids might be using these days.

One thing is for sure. Each week we want you to walk away with a bit more confidence, armed with the knowledge to dive deep into the world of submissions and pitches and get your writing out there.

With a bit of snarky hilarity thrown in, cause that’s just how we roll.

If you like the show and would be willing to leave us a review on either iTunes or Stitcher, we would appreciate it a ton! The algorithms and powers that be like that sort of thing. We are nothing if not devoted to the algorithms and powers that be.

About the Author Elisa Doucette

Elisa Doucette is a writer and editor who works with professional writers, entrepreneurs, and brands that want to make their own words even better. She is the Founder of Craft Your Content, and oversees Client Strategy and Writing Coaching. Her own writing has been featured in places like Forbes, The New York Times, The Boston Globe, Yahoo! Small Business, and The Huffington Post, among others. She also hosts the Writers' Rough Drafts podcast here on CYC. When she isn't writing, editing, or reading words, she can usually be found at a local pub quiz, deep in a sun salutation, or binging TV shows for concept ideas and laughs.

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