There are a lot of words that we could do without in our language.
Mostly buzzwords that have stayed too long and expletives hurled out merely because someone is not crafty enough to find another word to use. Grammatically, language is filled with adverbs and adjectives that make sentences poetic, but often are not necessary to the base structure. These words are called modifiers (or qualifiers) and their purpose is to “describe and provide more accurate definitional meaning for another element.”
(Whew! Composition and grammar lesson over now!)
I am guilty of lacing my writing with modifiers. I think it is (in part) because I am a word geek, and apparently I manifest that obsession by cramming as many words as possible into a single sentence.
Sometimes these words make things better. Without them, Alexander would have just had a Shitty Day, instead of a Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad one. Aside from the fact that I don’t think Simon & Schuster publishing could have gotten away with the first incarnation as a children’s title, the second one is more fun to say. I haven’t read that book for easily 20 years, and I can still rattle off the string of words like the Pledge of Allegiance and Bluto’s “Was It Over When The Germans Bombed Pearl Harbor” speech.
When these words are used as modifiers to make another element “look good” then I’m on board with their use.
When words are used as qualifiers, that is when it turns bad.
Sometimes qualifications are good. They prove that something has the necessary skills, knowledge, and expertise to fulfill a task.
They also, by definition, limit and make things less than. In business management courses and local Toastmaster meetings, you are taught to NOT use qualifying words. They detract from the impact of what you are saying.
Words like: hope, intend, plan, like, might, kind of… they are making you a pale imitation of a brilliant mind.
The worst offender (and word you need to start removing from your vocabulary today) is “JUST“
How many times have you heard (or even uttered and typed) these sentences:
JUST sayin’ (a guilty pleasure of mine)
If you would JUST let me do XYZ…
I know I’m JUST an associate, but I think we should do it this way
The pre-sales are JUST an estimate, so it could tank after this
He’s JUST a dude with a blog
It’s JUST an internship at a prestigious magazine
I could go on with at least 100 other examples of how we use “just” to JUST marginalize the impact of what we are about to say. I’m sure each of you have another 100 examples as well. Ways that we try to stay in line, not reach outside the box, list ourselves into a safe place.
There are at least 100 more reasons we JUST qualify ourselves.
- We believe the people who marginalize us
- We are not comfortable accepting the fact that our accomplishment IS a big deal
- We don’t want to make someone “feel bad”
- We think that someone may not appreciate our opinion or belief
- We do not feel like we are worthy of the awesome
- …Fill…
- …In…
- …Your…
- …Own…
- …Blank…
Accomplishing something bigger than yourself is scary. Pretty terrifying, actually. But don’t let that fear force you to moderate yourself. Most human beings are capable of much more than we think.
Just Don’t feel like you have to qualify it.
Think twice the next time you say/type/think the word “just.”
You are better than that.
You are worthy of beautiful, magnificent, mind-blowing, awe-inspiring words.