You’ve done it. You’ve written that killer story, or the zingy product copy to send to your client that will skyrocket their brand into the stratosphere. It’s spell-checked, proofread, and edited to perfection, with an eye-catching hero image in place. You’re quite rightly proud of your work.
Just attach and send, right?
Pulitzer Prize-winning content it may be, but take a moment to consider the recipient’s reaction. That first impression when they open the document. It’s in your best interest to make it easy for them to read. Your extra attention to detail might help a client turn your work around faster or even be the difference between acceptance and rejection.
Sure, the content will be reformatted for publication by the client later, but your finished copy should shine in its own right. Considerate formatting is also beneficial for readers with additional needs, such as dyslexia.
To improve its impact, don’t look at your work with a writer’s or editor’s eye, but a designer’s. See if it delivers the right message and visually matches the story you’re telling. The design and layout should reinforce the style and tone you’ve used in the piece, as it affects the perception of your work.
If you don’t consider yourself a designer or know much about layout and fonts, don’t worry. These few simple tips will enable you to add visual punch to your copy.
Continue readingWe live in extremely uncertain times.
From stores closing and factories shutting down, to entire countries being quarantined, it’s safe to say COVID-19 is hitting the world pretty hard, with no signs of slowing down any time soon.
Many people have lost their jobs as a result and have begun looking for alternate sources of income, such as becoming a full-time writer. However, many of these aspiring writers have no idea who, what, when, where, why, or how to even begin!
For some, this has been their dream job for years, and only now do they have the time available to get started. For others, writing seems like the logical next step, since all you need to start is a good Wi-Fi connection and a creative mind.
Whichever category you fall under, don’t worry. We’ve got you covered. Here are five tips to get you started in your new writing career.
Continue readingWriting faster and more efficiently is something I’ve learned to adapt to gradually over the years of being a full-time writer.
Time efficiency and quality when you’re a full-timer are, let’s just say, hella important.
Well, the more quality work we churn out, the more money we can potentially earn by gaining higher-paid gigs, right? I’m not an aerospace engineer, but that isn’t exactly rocket science, is it?
You’re aware of that already, and I’m not here to insult your intelligence … so I’ll get to the point now.
Continue readingPiece completed. Sent. Saved. Stored.
On to the next. Right?
Wowsers! Hold it right there, just one moment. Slow down. Don’t just dump it into your saved documents right away and be done with it just like that … jeesh!
Ask yourself this: Just how satisfied are you with your piece, article, or draft after you’re done with it? It’s now time to reflect and evaluate.
Are you observing your work after every project? Are you taking notes? Are you taking into account the flaws and holes in your game?
Continue reading