Smell that? Yeah. Hearsay. Myths. Or as I like to call it, gibberish. Light a candle, quick! It reeks.
Unfortunately, myths about writing are a thing. And for full-time writers like yours truly, the old urban legends tend to peep their ugly noggin out from behind the sofa every now and again.
Don’t let them put you off!
Let it be known, as a warning; the sad truth is, there will always be some writing myth out there that will attempt to kick the ladder from under your feet. Things like needing a stack of startup cash and a wealth of qualifications, having to be a member of the “grammar police” or a workaholic, and always having to seek paid work to start a writing career.
I quit my office job in 2015 to become a full-time writer, and I’m here to tell you that writing for a living is very possible, given you side-step the myths, hearsay, and speculative jargon I’m about to tell you about.
The writing gods from the future sent me to warn you about these threats … I kid you not!
Come on, I’ve got you.
Continue readingWriting faster and more efficiently is something I’ve learned to adapt to gradually over the years of being a full-time writer.
Time efficiency and quality when you’re a full-timer are, let’s just say, hella important.
Well, the more quality work we churn out, the more money we can potentially earn by gaining higher-paid gigs, right? I’m not an aerospace engineer, but that isn’t exactly rocket science, is it?
You’re aware of that already, and I’m not here to insult your intelligence … so I’ll get to the point now.
Continue readingThere’s nothing quite like traveling. Everyone loves warmer climates, exciting new adventures, and experiences abroad. Right?
Well, I do. Obviously, I can’t vouch for everyone, but I’m sure the vast majority out there would tend to agree with me. Strawberry daiquiris and ice-cream sundaes all around! What’s not to like?
But, (cough), excuse me just one second. Can I have all writers’ attention for a moment, please?
I hate to be the one to interrupt a snappy glass of red and platter of sushi. Where are my manners? But I’ve gotta put this out there before you get a little dizzy from the red stuff:
Traveling can be a lot more than just enjoying the luxury of eating saffron scallops at a four-star restaurant in Paris, or stuffing your face with toasted marshmallows around a campfire in Miyajima. For writers, there’s so much more to it than that.
As a writer, traveling has been a great opportunity to come up with something fresh for blogs, websites, or publications I’ve submitted articles to.
When you travel, you can take stacks of inspiration and creativity from your travels for your next writing project.
You should write about it, in fact.
Continue readingPiece completed. Sent. Saved. Stored.
On to the next. Right?
Wowsers! Hold it right there, just one moment. Slow down. Don’t just dump it into your saved documents right away and be done with it just like that … jeesh!
Ask yourself this: Just how satisfied are you with your piece, article, or draft after you’re done with it? It’s now time to reflect and evaluate.
Are you observing your work after every project? Are you taking notes? Are you taking into account the flaws and holes in your game?
Continue reading