Elisa Doucette, Author at Craft Your Content - Page 3 of 19

All posts by Elisa Doucette

pitch Craft your Content

Writers’ Rough Drafts – Episode #66 – How to Pitch Craft Your Content with Elisa Doucette (featuring Erika Rasso)


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Elisa Doucette is a writer, editor, and entrepreneur who has worked for over two decades creating compelling content and writing for various businesses and publications. Her work has been featured in The New York Times, The Boston Globe, Forbes, Yahoo! Small Business, The Shine Network, HuffPost, and Brazen Careerist among others. Her short stories and essays have been published in numerous literary magazines and websites. Two of her columns have been syndicated (The Single Slice on MaineToday and Shattering Glass on Forbes.com) and she semi-regularly writes here and on Medium

She also volunteers as the programme curator for TEDxAberdeen, working with a cracker-jack group of people to bring a new TEDx event to Scotland in July 2021 (COVID guidance and restrictions obviously considered). Previously, Elisa served as the writer-in-residence at The Birds Bay in Petra on the island of Lesvos in Greece and at the Captain Nickels Inn in Searsport, Maine, U.S., led multiple Writers Nights at The Cult of Coffee in Aberdeen, Scotland, U.K., and worked from the Knack Factory in Portland, Maine, U.S., as a resident hobo writer.

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Get Right With Your Deities and Analytics in 2021

Do you know what vanity metrics and analytics are?

Have you ever opened up a tracking program (like Google Analytics or Fathom or Clicky) and stared at all the data – unsure what is the most important?

If your answer is anything even vaguely related to “Hell to the frickin’ yes!”, then you are not alone.

These days, you can find metrics and statistics to validate or invalidate anything.

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Writers’ Rough Drafts – Episode #65 With Dorie Clark

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Dorie Clark is a best-selling author, professional speaker, professor, jazz music and documentary film producer, and occasional stand-up comedian. Described by The New York Times as an “expert at self-reinvention and helping others make changes in their lives,” she has made a name for herself by doing just that. After graduating from Smith College with honors at the age of 18, she then enrolled in a Master’s program at Harvard Divinity School. The next step was obvious, to become a campaign spokesperson for a presidential candidate, and she has continued on this path of reinvention ever since, often as a sought-after speaker and consultant for various corporations and conference events. 

Her breakout book, Stand Out: How To Find Your Breakthrough Idea and Build a Following Around It, was named Inc. magazine’s #1 business book of 2015. She has gone on to author two more, Reinventing You: Define Your Brand, Imagine Your Future and Entrepreneurial You: Monetize Your Expertise, Create Multiple Income Streams, and Thrive. A recent nominee for the Thinkers50 2019 Global Ranking, her insights and opinions are valued internationally, not only because of her platform and notoriety, but because they are just that good and full of depth and quality.

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Mandy Wallace

Writers’ Rough Drafts – Episode #64 With Mandy Wallace

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Mandy Wallace is a writer, content strategist, writing coach, and course creator. She provides the support and tools writers need to continue developing their writing. As a content strategist and freelance writer, Mandy has worked with a bevy of various clients through her brand Hypist, to help them understand the stories in their process and get them published. Devoted to helping writers take action, while still instilling a love for writing and craft, on her own About page she notes, “The muse is a fickle bitch. Don’t rely on her. Writing is its own reward, but I still like to publish.” 

Her recently published book, Landing Your First Publication: The Writing Prompts + Publication Strategy for Writers Who Refuse to Rely on Luck, offers a publication strategy and guidebook for writers who want to see their name in print, but don’t know where to start (or have started, but aren’t getting the results they want). The book is so specific and useful that it is already being taught in college classrooms, to provide real-world advice that transcends the rhetoric and theory of outdated publishing textbooks.

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