Marketing & Publishing Archives - Page 12 of 12 - Craft Your Content

Category Archives for Marketing & Publishing

learning styles

Why You Should Use VAK Learning Styles To Repurpose Your Content

You spent hours, maybe even days, crafting your blog post.

You did your research, wrote your shitty first draft, edited it, and then edited it again to perfection.

You uploaded it to your blog and then shared it on all your social media platforms. Finally, you basked in the afterglow of your hard work for a bit before moving on to the next project, never to think about the post again.

Does this sound familiar to you?Continue reading

The Only Decisive Question You Should Ask in Sales

Politicians and professional salespeople aren’t the only ones skilled in the art of selling.

Believe it or not, we are all selling something.

If you’ve ever recommended a movie or a restaurant, you were selling someone on something you believed to be a worthy investment of their time and money. If you ever went on an interview, you were selling yourself.Continue reading

The Best Content Marketing Sites & Blogs You Should Be Reading in 2016

There are an astronomical number of content marketing websites on the world wide web, and surfing through to find the good ones can be, well, a challenge.

I define “good” as being a website that is 100% unique and ahead of the game. A site that shares information first hand, from experience, and offers evidence to its claims. In a world where so much material is simply recycled and repurposed, it’s these sites that will stand the test of time.

So without further ado, here are some of the top content marketing websites worth following:Continue reading

modern love submissions

The New York Times Modern Love Column Submission Tips and Lessons Learned

Updated April 3, 2020

Ever wished you knew EXACTLY how to crawl into an editor’s brain and figure out how to get to the top of their submissions pile?

As we were reviewing a recent draft of a submission for a client, to provide feedback and edits, I thought it might be a good idea to see what advice existed out there to help his submission get to the top of the queue.Continue reading

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