There are an astronomical number of content marketing websites on the world wide web, and surfing through to find the good ones can be, well, a challenge.
I define “good” as being a website that is 100% unique and ahead of the game. A site that shares information first hand, from experience, and offers evidence to its claims. In a world where so much material is simply recycled and repurposed, it’s these sites that will stand the test of time.
So without further ado, here are some of the top content marketing websites worth following:Continue reading
The holidays are right around the corner, which means it’s time to open up the coffers, hit the ground running, and start crossing people off your To-Buy list.
Did you just start sweating too?Continue reading
I’ve been writing for several years now, but apart from a few major publications, I have rarely interacted with an editorial team or proofreading service.
What being published mistakenly taught me was that my writing skills were far superior than they actually are, and that there are a lot of websites releasing sub par material for convenience’s sake.
Until my collaboration with the Craft Your Content team, I assumed that a second readthrough of my material was all it needed before it was ready for publication. Even as I type this, I know that the editing team is shaking their heads in disgust…and I’m okay with that, because now I’ve seen the light. (Editor’s Note – We rarely shake our heads in disgust!)
Working with a legit editorial team has helped me improve my writing tenfold (though I still have a ways to go), and taught me that content isn’t ready for publication until it’s been picked over with a fine-tooth comb.
Unfortunately, not all of us can afford a fancy editorial team. However, there are several free (or affordably-priced), online proofreading services that you can take advantage of.
In order to find the gold standard in editing services, I took a recently published article of mine and submitted an excerpt of it to some of the most common proofreading channels. You will be able to see how each tool rates my copy with a series of screenshots, and from there, you can be the judge.
Ready to see my work get torn apart? Let’s do this!Continue reading
Have you ever found yourself in a heated discussion or serious gossip session with a friend (or stranger even), getting truly worked up by the subject matter and feeling the pit of annoyance in your stomach start to bubble up until you’re ready to erupt?
After a valiant effort to keep your opinion to yourself, you simply cannot hold it in any longer and the words “I don’t mean to be rude, but…” fall out of your mouth.
Let’s be honest for one hot minute. When you say “I don’t mean to be [rude, aggressive, offensive, etc.], you mean to be just that, but you don’t want to be perceived as such.Continue reading