Ramsay Lewis, Author at Craft Your Content

All posts by Ramsay Lewis

cycling taught writing

What Cycling Across Canada Taught Me About Writing

I biked across Canada in the summer of 2017.

I had just finished my master’s degree, which was a very challenging experience—and not in a good way. 

As I was finishing my thesis, I decided I needed to do something to recover. I wanted to do something difficult, but not in an intellectual or academic way. I didn’t want to rely on other people for my success. I wanted to get out of my head and into my body.

So I bought a bike and started pedaling.

Between June and September, I cycled 7,400 kilometers (about 4,600 miles) from Victoria, British Columbia to St. John’s, Newfoundland.

Then, about a year ago, I started a freelance writing business. Riding 7,400 kilometers across the country seems like a very different endeavor than creating a sustainable freelance writing business, but a lot of the things I learned from my journey have helped me with my writing business.

I hope these lessons can help you, too.

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