Patricia Martin, Author at Craft Your Content

All posts by Patricia Martin

pitching mistakes

The 5 Biggest Mistakes I’ve Made While Pitching

When I began writing freelance, I’d already been writing for my blog for a few years. I knew there would be a learning curve because writing for yourself is completely different from writing for another publication. 

To prepare myself, I participated in a few workshops and was mostly interested in the lessons about the best ways to pitch, since I’d never done it before. After gaining as much insight as I thought was necessary, I set out on my endeavor as a freelance writer. 

I quickly realized trial and error were better teachers than any class. 

There were so many things I learned from actively pitching. In this post, I’ll share with you the five major mistakes I made, and how the experience helped me hone my skills. If you want to perfect your own pitching strategy, feel free to use my tips as a “cheat code” so you don’t make the same mistakes I did!

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