Michelle Weber is the editor in chief at Pipe Wrench magazine (formerly the senior editor at LongReads and WordPress.com). From her bio on Pipe Wrench’s website, “She lives in Rome, Italy, but still hasn’t mastered time zones, so she’s always two minutes late for meetings. She had a vague idea about a magazine that turned into the concept for Pipe Wrench, so now she gets to be the editor in chief.”
What You’ll Learn This Week:
- How to get your name and interests out there for editors to find
- That there’s a place for your piece on your latest obsession, and it’s Pipe Wrench
- Why it’s important to share your point of view, not just the main idea of your piece
- The value of including your own personal voice in your pitch
- Why writers need to ask questions and work with their editors to create a great story
Mentioned in This Episode (Links and Resources!):
- Pipe Wrench magazine
- Algonquin Round Table
- WordPress.com
- Longreads
- “How to Pitch” form on Pipe Wrench
- Freelancer Policies page on Pipe Wrench
- Sarah’s Scribbles “Girl with Cymbals” Meme
- April 2021 Issue on Pipe Wrench’s homepage
- “One Day More” rewrite about why to subscribe to Pipe Wrench
- Submissions information for Pipe Wrench
- Transcript
You Can Find More of Michelle and Her Writing On:
- Her Twitter, @michelleinchief
- On her personal blog
- Pipe Wrench on Twitter, @pipewrenchmag
- Pipe Wrench magazine
Shareable Quotes From This Episode:
- Finding new writers for @pipewrenchmag: “I think that’s when the conversation gets interesting; when you don’t really know what other people are going to come up with or where [the conversation’s] going to go, so please come and tell us who you are!” — @michelleinchief on #WritersRoughDrafts
- Looking for a home for your deep-dive on your latest obsession? “I want that story, because you’re obsessed with this thing and that means it’s going to be interesting, and we’ll have more people to riff off of that.” — @michelleinchief from @pipewrenchmag on #WritersRoughDrafts
- “Write what you need to write to get across what the story is, and what your position is. What is your understanding? What is your takeaway? Give me that in your pitch.” — @michelleinchief from @pipewrenchmag on #WritersRoughDrafts
- How to work together with @michelleinchief for @pipewrenchmag: “Ask me lots of questions and push back on things … I’m trying to help writers make the most interesting story about X in the most interesting voice of the writer.” #WritersRoughDrafts
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