Craft Your Content Book Consultation - Craft Your Content
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Craft Your Content Book Consultation with Elisa Doucette

Craft Your Content Book Consultation

Craft Your Content Book Consultation with Elisa Doucette

Thanks for signing up for a book consultation with Craft Your Content!

Before we jump on Skype to discuss more about your manuscript and book process, it is super important for you to get these documents filled out and sent over to me to review.

Otherwise, we’ll waste your time with me getting acquainted with your brand and business, rather than digging right into the good stuff.

Here you go!

Additionally, please make sure you have sent me a copy of your current working manuscript, book proposal, or sample chapter(s) so I know where you are in the writing process.

Questions? Please make sure to email me before the call so we can make the most of our time together.

Look forward to chatting soon! ~ Elisa