We all need to take a break every now and again, even while we are establishing our regular writing routines.
Maybe you need to go on a business trip? Maybe you are taking a vacation? Maybe the kids are sick? Maybe you are in the middle of a launch and can’t focus on daily emails right now? Maybe you just need a few days off to come back twice as strong.
Whatever the reason, it’s ok. You’ve made it through at least the first 10 days of the course. You know you can log in regularly and do the work.
Take the time you need, and the lessons will be here when you get back.*
* Your lessons will still continue to drip out on Teachable, unfortunately we can’t pause those. When you get back there will be a lot more available on the site than in your first emails. So just continue following the lessons emailed to you every morning and you’ll be able to stay on track!