Seeing the latest draft of your writing covered in an editor’s graffiti can be a test of your humility. Working your way through their changes, addressing their concerns, and resolving their comments—on a draft you spent hard hours creating—can be an exercise in emotional detachment.
Your editors will be professional and constructive, but hitting “approve” on those little recommendation boxes is literally accepting criticism, so there’s no room for ego.
The proofreader, the last person in the chain of people who guide, suggest, and make changes to writing before it is published, is generally the one who gets the “blame” when things go wrong with that piece of content you want to publish.
If you’ve put your soul into writing a book or a personal essay, you want it to be perfect. So, how do you get to “perfect”?
I never was a good student, and I had very little interest in writing or anything related to writing. But, I soon discovered that I had an interest in words.
As a kid, I would go shopping with my mother. I would look at signs and labels and anything that was written and then try to decipher what I saw.
Eventually, I got the hang of it. Even so, I never really liked reading and writing until I started getting good grades in high school English and on my English Regents exam.
While I didn’t become a writer, I used writing in my career as a personnel specialist (military), computer programmer, and software tester. Then, when I retired from the software world, I had to find something to do.
What to do, fix words? That was it!