Submissions form cyc article - Craft Your Content
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Craft Your Content Submissions

Please take your time to fill this out carefully - it is reviewed by our editorial team to help select only the best posts for publication on the site. Due to the volume of submissions we receive, there may be a delay in our response; but we reply to every submission we receive through our form. We will attempt to reply within 7-10 business days. Incomplete submissions will not be considered.

Name *
Company/Website Name *
Website URL
Where can we find more of your writing and work?
What is the best email to reach you at? required *
We will be responding to this email, so make sure it is an email address you check fairly frequently
How frequently would you like to contribute to Craft Your Content? *
While we cannot guarantee regular writing work, we do consider some writers for multiple pieces on the site and are always looking for new talent. If it is a good fit, would you be interested in writing for us more often?
What is the title of your proposed post? *
Do you certify this is an original post that has never been published (even in a re-purposed form) on any other site? *
Do you certify that this is an unpaid piece of content, and that you are not receiving compensation/benefits from a third-party to promote their product or link-back to their website? *
You can answer "Yes" if you are an employee or representative of the company or brand, and you have disclosed your connection to the organization by sharing their URL. 
Tell us a little bit about your submission? *
In 100-250 words. Convince us this is going to be a great post for CYC.
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What problem will your submission solve? How will our audience benefit from your piece? *
Not sure how to answer this? Consider this format: My post will help [who is the target audience] to solve [what is their primary problem or concern] by teaching them [what is your proposed solution in the submission].
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What information or perspective do you offer on this solution that is unique and different from other pieces on similar topics? *
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Link to your most recent draft (if available) *
We prefer Google Docs, but a Dropbox/Box/Drive link to a file is ok (seriously though, Google Docs if you can). If you do not have a draft written yet, please send your proposed article outline and make sure you carefully explained your plan for the piece in the previous question.

What 2-3 articles on CYC do you think would be related to your piece or focus on a similar topic? *
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What experience/background do you have? *
In other words, why should people read what you have to say about this? (We bet it's a great reason, let us know!)
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Finally, how did you hear about CYC? *
If you were referred by someone else, or found CYC on a listing somewhere - who referred you (and how) or where did you find the listing?
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