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non-native english writers

7 Easy Content Tips for Non-Native English Writers

Not only is English the most popular language on the internet, but it’s also the most commonly studied foreign language in the world.

So even if you’re a non-native English speaker, it’s good business sense to write your content in English—that way you’ll reach and attract a bigger audience of potential customers.

And you’d be joining a hallowed club. Non-native English speakers have blazed a trail through English literature, including Joseph Conrad, who learned English as an adult, and Vladimir Nabokov, whose mother tongue was Russian. Both authors’ works are regarded as classics and studied at universities.

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what inspires writers

What Inspires Writers to Write on a Regular Basis?

Have you ever tried to define the concept of inspiration?

If we ask a dictionary, we’ll get a pretty simple definition: “Someone or something that gives you ideas for doing something.” Inspiration may also be defined as a good idea that suddenly comes to your mind.

But what is the true meaning of inspiration when we relate it to writing? It’s that moment when you see true greatness within yourself. You can express deep feelings and emotions in a way that touch people’s minds and hearts. No matter what project you’re working on, you feel inspired to write valuable content and share it with the world.

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write in books

How To Write in Books to Become a Better Thinker

There may be no fiercer turf war in literary society than the preservation of a book’s pristine quality.

Seriously, those Oxford comma folks have nothing on this debate.

To write in, dog ear, markup, and annotate the books you read and love—or to carefully respect and honor the delicate spine and pure-white paper … that is the question.

I personally have been, and will always be, a contributor to the art of marginalia. Comments, symbols, highlights, underlines—they are all in there. Being able to mark important areas and note brief thoughts on what I’ve read are an essential part of understanding and interpreting what I’ve read.

That isn’t the case for everyone, though. In fact, some people get downright feisty about it.

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Delegating to Avoid Burnout: An Entrepreneur’s Solution

There aren’t enough hours in a day.

Here at Craft Your Content, someone is always working. I mean that literally. After combining the hours of our team of approximately 10 members, we put in the same number of hours that are in a week. Not work hours, mind you, real human hours. 24/7.

On a closer look, Elisa Doucette, our founder, works 35 percent of those hours, followed by Managing Editor Julia Hess and I (content producer) combined at another 30 percent, and then the rest of the team at the remaining 35 percent.

While that’s still pretty top-heavy, we’re at a better place than we were in 2017 thanks to the art of delegation.

You only need to look at Elisa’s hours to know that running a business is more than a full-time job. One that you absolutely cannot do alone.

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