Karen Evans, Author at Craft Your Content

All posts by Karen Evans

productivity for entrepreneurs

How To Reverse Your Unproductive Mind as an Entrepreneur

I know … I get it. So many ideas, so many dreams, yet not enough time. Not true!

For the life of me, I can’t remember where I first heard the saying “You do have time to do that; it’s just not important enough to you right now.” This really resonated with me and is something I’ve applied to most areas of my life since my gray matter soaked it up.

Thinking this way is a big game-changer, purely in the sense that none of us realize how much time we do have during a day, and conversely how much of that is soaked up by unproductiveness.

As an entrepreneur and professional writer myself, I know exactly how hard it is to get into a groove and to feel like I’m on top of my game.

I’ve tried countless tools, read what feels like thousands of self-development books, and smashed my eardrums into oblivion with podcasts, yet my productivity levels remained stagnant and lacking.

How did I make the change to a more productive me?

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