Simoun Redoblado - Copy Editor
Simoun graduated cum laude from the University of the Philippines Diliman, where he obtained a bachelor’s degree in Secondary Education. A former English teacher and assistant principal, Simoun writes and edits material seven days a week (occasionally stopping for coffee). His online work has been published in sites like Collider, Amendo, Crazy Money Facts, and The Hip Hop Insider. A high school textbook author since 2013, he has written and co-written titles that have entered national circulation in his home country of the Philippines.
Caffeine binges aside, Simoun is a devoted husband to one and father to two. His biggest fear, in fact, is to get those numbers mixed up when introducing himself.
Has been part of the team since: July 2023
I believe in this principle, even though it isn’t always the popular opinion: Imperfection is everywhere. I have yet to see a perfect person, perfect relationship, perfect company, or perfect Eggs Benedict. When we embrace our flaws and work together to compensate for these shortcomings…well, we don’t become flawless. We become, in the truest sense of the word, human. Perhaps that should suffice.
Specialties & Interests: Personal Essays, Researched Articles, Writing about Writing, Arts & Entertainment, Self-Development, Learning, Family
Location: Quezon City, Philippines
Most Read Book: How Not to Write: An Office Primer for the Grammatically Perplexed by Terence Denman and Mythology by Edith Hamilton
Favorite Story to Tell: When I submitted the earliest draft of my first-ever CYC submission (a piece on the craft of writing in Hamilton), I described myself as a “father of one” in the introductory paragraphs. About a week later, as I worked on fleshing out the piece, I had to retool that phrase. Why? Just a few days after my proposed article was greenlighted by Elisa, my wife and I found out that we were pregnant with our second child! That one-word revision will forever be seared in my heart.
If you want to connect, you can find me on Facebook or Twitter.