Gina EdwardsSpecial Projects and Content Writer

After years of writing pizza-stained short stories, maxing out her library card limits, and finding painstaking amounts of typos in her yearbook, Gin transported her love of all things wordy to Ohio University, where she studied journalism and Spanish. Since then, she’s traveled the U.S. and abroad, teaching her native language to people who want to learn it (and some who have to), and writing in her snarky blog when she remembers she has it. On her long, sweaty bike rides to work, Gina wonders about the number of cookies she can now reasonably eat, where in the world is Carmen Sandiego, and how she will one day start a company that changes the world.

I believe in this principle, even though it isn’t always the popular opinion: Writing is the ultimate place to be completely, authentically weird. Where you can play around, break rules, make unfunny jokes, rant, tell stories, type “sassafrass” 1,000 times, be vulnerable, not complete your

Through writing, you can use your pen or keyboard to get intimate with your own idiosyncrasies. The best part? It doesn’t matter if after writing, you shout it from the rooftops, slip it under the floorboards, mail it to Antarctica, or set it on fire. Life is strange, unexpected, and fun –– writing should be, too.

Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

Most Read Book: ​The Crossroads of Should and Must by Elle Luna

Favorite Story to Tell: The Best Prank I Ever Pulled: Or, Saran Wrap on the Toilet Seat Really Does Work! – An Ode to my Older Sister’s Temper
