Alice Sholto-Douglas - Content Editor

Alice Sholto-Douglas has experience with writing, copyediting, and academic research. She completed her Master’s in Literature at the University of Cape Town, where she spent six years teaching undergraduate students. She also holds a BA (Hons) in Arts and Literature from New York University as an editorial assistant for academic journals. As a fierce believer in the value of research and strong idea expression, writing is tangible and gratifying to her. She has honed her skills and expertise while working for various publications and organizations on an array of subjects, including art, law, business, and education.

Has been part of the team since: June 2022

I believe in this principle, even though it isn’t always the popular opinion: That how we put words to the world precipitates real effects, and so we make the world through words.

Specialties & Interests: Literature first and foremost but also law, business, and education.

Location: Cape Town, South Africa

Most Read Book: The Harry Potter series, What I Loved by Siri Hustvedt, and Beloved by Toni Morrison

Favorite Story to Tell: When I was little, about ten years old, I wrote a letter to Dumbledore (from the Harry Potter series) because I was under the illusion that Hermione was me in the future, and I needed him to know. It made complete sense in my head. In the letter, I wrote, "I have a ginger cat, like Hermione, love school and books ... like Hermione. I think I might be Hermione. I know it's silly! But I think it's true" – and then, scrunched up because I'd run out of space – "Please write back." I left it on the windowsill for an owl, and Dumbledore never wrote back.

If you want to connect, you can find me on LinkedIn.
